Town Council Approves Volunteer Fire Dept Consolidation

Bensalem Weekly

Town Council Approves Volunteer Fire Dept Consolidation

Bensalem, PA – June 21, 2024 – In a significant move to bolster public safety and emergency response efficiency, Bensalem Township has officially consolidated its six volunteer fire companies into a single entity known as the Bensalem Volunteer Fire Department. This consolidation, effective immediately, marks the culmination of a rigorous two-year process aimed at addressing the dwindling number of volunteer firefighters and ensuring effective fire response across the township.

A Unified Front

The consolidation effort was driven by the need to adapt to the nationwide decline in volunteer firefighters. Over recent years, Bensalem, like many communities, has struggled with a decreasing number of individuals willing to volunteer their time and skills to fight fires and respond to emergencies. This trend necessitated a rethinking of how fire services were organized and delivered in the township.

“We’re going from six independent separate companies to one unified company with one set of leadership, one set of operational procedures, to make us more efficient,” said William McVey, Director of Bensalem Public Safety

The Consolidation Process

The journey to consolidation began over two years ago, involving extensive discussions and planning among the six legacy volunteer fire companies, township officials, and public safety leadership. The consolidation committee, working closely with Public Safety Director McVey and Deputy Director Robert Race, navigated the complexities of merging the companies into a cohesive unit. This effort received strong support from Mayor Joseph DiGirolamo and the Bensalem Township Council, whose unanimous vote at a recent meeting paved the way for the consolidation.

The new Bensalem Volunteer Fire Department will be led by Deputy Chief Ron Harris, who brings decades of experience from his tenure with the Nottingham Fire Company. Harris highlighted the challenges faced by the legacy companies, noting that it was often difficult to field adequate personnel and equipment for emergency responses under the old structure.

Enhancing Efficiency and Response

By consolidating, Bensalem aims to streamline operations, unify command, and standardize procedures across the township’s fire services. This new structure is expected to improve response times and ensure that sufficient resources are available for all emergencies. The township, covering 22 square miles and serving a population of around 70,000, will benefit from a more coordinated and efficient fire service.

“Depending on the type of call, sometimes all six of us were going, and most of the time each company could only get one truck out,” said Chief Harris.

The consolidation allows for better allocation of resources, ensuring that the right equipment and personnel are available when and where they are needed most.

Community and Volunteer Support

Despite the structural changes, the spirit of volunteerism remains at the heart of Bensalem’s fire services. The township continues to seek new volunteers to join the ranks of the newly formed department. Mayor DiGirolamo praised the volunteers for their dedication and emphasized the importance of their role in ensuring the community’s safety.

“This couldn’t have been done without all the volunteers and all of them truly coming together,” said Mayor DiGirolamo.

The volunteers’ overwhelming support for the consolidation, with a vote of 156-6 in favor, underscores their commitment to adapting and improving for the future.

Moving Forward

As Bensalem moves forward with its consolidated fire department, the focus will remain on recruiting new volunteers, refining operational procedures, and ensuring that all residents receive prompt and effective emergency services. The township’s leadership is confident that this new structure will better serve the community, providing a robust and resilient fire service capable of meeting today’s challenges.

This consolidation represents a significant step forward in ensuring public safety and operational efficiency in Bensalem. By uniting its volunteer fire companies under a single banner, the township is better positioned to face the challenges of the future and continue its legacy of community protection and service.

For more information on how to volunteer or support the Bensalem Volunteer Fire Department, residents are encouraged to visit one of the township’s fire stations or contact the department directly.

Click here to view The Mayor’s Show, in which Mayor DiGirolamo and Director McVey discuss this important addition to public safety.



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