Help Make The Bensalem High School Marching Band #1

Bensalem Weekly

Help Make The Bensalem High School Marching Band #1


94.5 PST is running their “Bands and Fans Contest” and last year our own Bensalem High School Marching Band came very close to winning. Let’s make it happen this year!

Let’s spread the word, far and wide to our friends, family, and neighbors to nominate the Bensalem High School Marching Band via this WPST contest link.

Schools with the most nominations will go up for the final vote which runs from September 26th through October 7th.

That’s right, this is a two-step process

First the nomination and then the final vote.

The school with the most final votes wins the $1000 and with school budgets the way they are, any amount can go a long way.




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