BHS Names 2024 Teacher of the Year

Staff Writer
Christine Elberson

BHS Names 2024 Teacher of the Year

Bensalem High School (BHS) boasts a cadre of exceptional educators who continuously inspire both their students and peers. Recognizing and honoring these remarkable individuals, the BHS Teacher of the Year Award stands as a testament to their dedication and impact within the school community.

The title of BHS Teacher of the Year is bestowed upon an educator who exemplifies unwavering commitment and enthusiasm for their profession. Esteemed by fellow faculty members, administrators, and students alike, this teacher consistently goes above and beyond to challenge, engage, and support their students, embodying a profound passion and joy for teaching.

Selecting the recipient of this prestigious award entails a comprehensive and inclusive process. Initiated by the Teacher of the Year committee, nominations are solicited from each of the school’s five building administrators. Subsequently, both teachers and students participate in the voting process, ultimately narrowing down the selection to three finalists. These finalists’ names are then presented to the BHS administrative team, who collectively determine the deserving winner.

This year, the distinguished finalists for the Teacher of the Year award are Mrs. Christine Elberson, Mr. Nicholas Lyczkowski, and Mrs. Lisa Tokmajian.

The announcement of the winner took place amidst the spirited atmosphere of the BHS Pep Rally on Monday, March 25, 2024, resonating with the entire school community.

Congratulations to BHS social studies teacher, Christine Elberson, for being named Bensalem High School Teacher of the Year for 2023-24!

I have been at Bensalem High School since I completed my student teaching, and am lucky to call it my home. Every day I am reminded of the greatness of this community through our students, and the consistent support I receive from the dedicated people I am grateful to call colleagues. I truly love my job and hope that my students are able to feel this in my classroom. Thank you for this honor as I continue to strive to be the best representation of BHS

Click here for the school’s announcement via their website.

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