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When you want to reach Bensalem residents, you want to advertise on Bensalem Weekly.

Bensalem Weekly is the only site for neighborhood news.

Bensalem Weekly writes about what is happening in Bensalem from Andalusia to Trevose and everything in between. Bensalem Weekly reports on local news, the latest food and drink spots, and events around town. Looking to reach Bensalem readers? Join us.

Advertising on Bensalem Weekly will allow you to:

Reach up to thousand unique visitors a month, mostly from Brooklyn. We have the largest reach in Brooklyn of a local community news outlet or print paper. Our newsletter goes out to over 40,000 readers. Contact us to find out our promotional rates especially if you are a new business or nonprofit/not-for-profit organization. We offer major discounts that will work within your budget because our priority is community. Also, inquire about our other incentives like advertorials or promotional article features.

  • Ads in Newsletter: $100
  • Sponsored posts: $300, and allow you to get your announcement, press release, or special promotion out easily. You get the copy and images ready, we will take care of the rest.


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